People can give at any time by donating non-perishable and perishable food items, gently used clothing, personal care items, gift cards, and monetary donations.
non perishable food: canned goods, boxed/dry goods such as rice, pasta, boxed dinners, peanut butter, canned meats and protein, cereals, oatmeal, nutrition, granola, and protein bars and protein shakes, nuts, beans and peas, pasta sauces and canned pasta meals
perishable food items (soon) fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, eggs, milk, and meats
shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, razors, shaving cream, brushes/combs, hair care products, feminine products, deodorant, lotions, toothbrushes/toothpaste, dental floss, chapped stick, body sprays and cologne
cleaning supplies
new unused blankets, sheets, socks, hats, gloves
gently used or new sweatshirts, sweat pants, leggings, shorts, t shirts and basic clothing, coats (light and heavy weight)
new shoes
Items can be brought to the Middle School office with attention to Kind Closet, we can be contacted via email to schedule pickup.
During school hours or by appointment Middle School Office Attention to: Kind Closet